
Monday, April 14, 2014

Baldwin Heritage

This was written Jan. 1st, 1996 while I was thinking about the Utah State Centennial Celebration.

What is the heritage of the Baldwin Clan?
It is probably much like any other man.
Heritage is something that comes to belong
To a person by birthright, be it right or wrong.

It is an inherited thing that a family does own.
Usually the family, not one person alone.
It could be wealth. Or position or a thought,
But usually by hard work or by sweat it is bought.

Of the Baldwin’s, in days past many were teachers,
But also I’ve found that many were preachers.
There were many who settled on the Ohio plains,
There were many who suffered great grief and pains.

Caleb and Nancy, were at least two, who did say,
Lets listen to Parley, he may show us the way.
And listen they did as he taught them the truth.
About this new religion, their hearts had the proof.

Our heritage, through Caleb, is a blessing you see,
As members if the Church, for the whole family.
Would we have been members, as we are today
If Caleb had not listened to Parley that day?

Caleb was strong in the faith, and we got that clue
By the way he was involved in the battle—Big Blue.
Caleb did languish with Joseph, in a Missouri jail,
At Liberty where they became hungry and frail.

Our heritage is great as a family you see.
To love one another, does greatly please me.
For the Baldwin’s to be close, is all I would ask.
But sometimes I wonder if we are up to the task,

We are no longer called to give great sacrifice,
Nor to languish in a jail that is as cold as ice
The way Caleb and Joseph did many years in the past.
But we must live our lives so that our faith will last.

The heritage of the Baldwin’s as I can see
Is to pass on to our children from you and from me
A faith in their lives that is strong and bold,
Like the faith in the lives of our ancestors of old.

Are we honest and faithful and up to the task
To impart to our children the truths they do ask.
Do we love them, and help them, and cause them to cheer.
Do we truly and honestly their lives revere?

If we can say yes to the questions above,
Our heritage is safe, and so is our love
For our children, our life, our teachings, our home.
Then the Baldwin Clan, will never need be alone.

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