
Monday, October 12, 2015



Here I am sitting and reminiscing. It seems like I do a lot of that here of late. Do you think perhaps we do a lot of remembering things, because we are afraid we might forget them in our old age?
When I first started my Blogs at least part of the reason for doing them, was because at times when I was sitting alone and thinking, I decided I should write my thoughts down, so that my Grand Children and Great Grandchildren might get some idea of what life was like when I was a youngster.
What happened to the days when, if you wanted  to purchase something--- you saved your money until you had enough and then you went and paid cash for it?
Of course when I was young we did not have a TV or the Internet or even newspapers-- blasting at us 24 hours a day, telling us we needed this or we needed that, and it would be almost impossible for us to live without it.
What happened to the day when you could walk down the street, or go to a store, and not see half dressed or almost dressed men and women out in public?
When did we have to start buying new furniture because we had changed the color of paint in our homes. Or perhaps the furniture we had was to old fashioned? It seems we bought furniture as soon as we could after we were married and it was not unusual for it to last 20 or more years?
What happened to the days when you could walk down the street, go to the store, or watch TV and not be subject to filthy language like we do today? And now on TV and the Internet they have so many Hate Messages, you wonder if you even want to turn them on?
And now on TV, Internet and even newspapers seem to think it is OK to use raunchy or filthy language if you just replace a couple of words with something like (******) or (x-AO)-?-#@). When they do that, is not the word really still there?
The TV's seem to tell us you cannot enjoy a hamburger, unless you eat it half naked, with the catsup running down your chin. You cannot buy tires, unless they are sold by a (nearly naked) girl. This new car would be better for you because the girl showing it off wears little or no clothing. And of course you should not watch the news, unless one of the people is a female, sitting on a chair with her skirt slit clear to her waist? (well maybe not quite.?)
And yes in our day we did have some bullying, but not to the extent it is today. No one seemed to resort to guns or knives or 3 or 4 thugs beating up on one other guy, sometimes just because the way he looks.




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