
Friday, December 26, 2014



                       MAN CAVE
Most guys have a Man Cave or a place with that name.
A place they can go for their emotions to tame.
To some it is just a closed door, and to some it is a sign
That says “do not enter”, which seems so benign.

Some caves say No Trespassing, or Private or just Keep Out,
What happens in here, stays here, “You Shout.”
Young males love a Man Cave, or so it seems,
But Mom comes in and makes a mess as she cleans.

As Males get older their caves seem to evolve
Into a place you can go to read or write or a mystery solve.
It could be a garage or a spare room or a place just for you.
A place to “hang out” and to do just what you want to do.

In a garage you may turn some bolts on an old V-8,
But some people won’t do that because the grease they hate.
The Man Cave could be full of fitness gear, for those not to old.
I wouldn’t know but that’s what I have been told.

Most Man Caves gather collections of “Things” as they grow
Things that in the garbage, you don’t want to throw.
They are a sanctuary of sorts for a male to hang out
With electronics and paper and stuff scattered about.  

In my case if I cannot sleep at night, I toss and turn, and give up the fight.
I crawl out of bed, sneak down the hall, shut the door and turn on the light
In my Man Cave sanctuary, for a few hours or ALL NIGHT.
I wonder what others would think, as I sat in my “unders” would it be a sight?

There is saying now days, “I just want to do my thing.”
Until the cell phone disturbs me with its “bling, bling.”
Then my feet seem to say, “Do we have to stay cold?”
So I turn up the space heater to 80, why not be bold?

My electronics are now ready as I gaze everywhere.
The red lights are blinking, the orange ones just “stare.”
The screen savers keep staring at me, and they seem to say,
Are you going to use us or are you just here to play?

My wife used to tell me, “this place is a disgusting mess.”
“If you don’t take anyone in there, it will be OK I guess”
She seemed to forget she had a craft room you see,
And it was known as “The Junk Room” to the family and me.

I sit in my Man Cave and look out the window to see
The snow is falling and the wind is blowing the leaves from the tree.
I am comfy and warm and my space heater doth glow
And if the blinds were pulled I would not know about the snow.

I do lots of different things in this Man Cave of mine.
What I do is constructive, at least most of the time.
I keep track of my blogs, and my Android keeps beeping,
But most of the time I search for the dead, for my record keeping.

Genealogy is addicting, as I seek out the names to my record I post.
Of the things I do in my Man Cave I cherish genealogy the most.
In the middle of the night or mid-day they call
Come on and find us, please come and find us all.

MY Man Cave was not planned, it seemed just to evolve,
And I spend most of my days there trying mysteries to solve
About dead people, and places and feelings that abound,
Of friends, family, and feelings all around.

W.R. Baldwin 25 Nov 2014

Friday, December 12, 2014


Yes, I know it is not the day before Christmas, but then this was penned several years ago but the feelings are still about the same and with my crippled wrist I will not get a new Christmas blog done before Christmas Eve so I decided to resurecte this one.  MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE.

It’s the day before Christmas and all through the house
Not a creature is stirring, I hope not a mouse.
We are retired you see and we may sleep all day.
Or as they used to say, we won’t get out of the hay.

It’s the day before Christmas for young and for old,
But only the young want to go out in the cold.
It did snow some last night and it sparkles so pretty,
But I’ll sit by the fire and read something witty.

It’s the day before Christmas and Mom is still cleaning,
While on the snow shovel I don’t want to be leaning.
The sun will come out, while I wait in my hovel
And all of that snow, I will not have to shovel.

At 10:30 AM that darn phone gives a ring.
Who is calling so early on that blasted thing?
I jump out of my bed and to the kitchen I rush,
I stumble on the vacuum and a present I crush.

I say “gosh darn”, or “goodness” or something like that.
I struggle to get up and I step on the black cat.
That cat gives a screech and heads for the door,
Putting nice little mud paws all over the floor.

And then come the kids and grandkids galore,
All pushing their way in through the back door.
It’s Christmas Time, I say to myself
As I look at the phone, putting it back on the shelf.

It’s the Day before Christmas for one and for all.
We have dinner together, and all have a ball.
Santa comes down the stairs. His bells all a jungle,
And the little ones insides just start to tingle.

And I look at my family and sit in my chair
And say, “what a family”, none can compare.
The cat and the cleaning, and the dog and the phone
Just don’t make a difference when were all at home.

CANTANKEROUS CARL'S -My Memory of broken wrist

YES, I know I do not have pants on!!!!! Have you ever tried to put pants on using only ONE hand???????