Y 2 K
Jan 2000
since Grandpa is the so-called editor of this family newspaper I am taking the
opportunity to editorialize a little.
couple of things are for sure. If you are sitting somewhere reading this, then
we know the world did not end in January 1st, 1999. We also know
that the postal service must still be functioning. If you have lights on to
read with, then we also know that the power plants did not all shut down?
“doomsayers” will really be disappointed if nothing happens at the end of the
millennium. We have been told a lot if things are going to or MIGHT happen.
They range from the ridiculous to the sublime. A short list of what has been
envisioned in the news media; the past few months are listed here so we can
look back and laugh or read it and wonder why we did not take it more serious?
World will come to an end.
the power plants will shut down and we will have no power.
the sewage plants will spew raw sewage into the streets of the cities.
power=No gas pumps, no electric stoves, no lights, no traffic control, no computers,
no freezers or refrigerators –(and on and on and on?)
(I think this might be one that could be a reality.)
problems. (Another definite possibility.)
midnight all the airplanes flying by computers will fall out of the sky.
ships will have no navigational controls.
will not be able to buy groceries because their computers will not work.
prescriptions for the same reason.
plants will shut down and we will have no water to drink.
back to common sense and a little reality. First, if number one on this list
happens we will not have to worry about any of the others! However if we just
make a little preparation, as we have been told as a Church, we should not have
anything to worry about. I think I will listen to a Prophet and the other
leaders of our Church rather than the doomsayers of the press and media.
President Hinckley responded to some questions about the upcoming
Millennium in the December 11th issue if the Church News. He said,
among other thinks that, “I am excited. The very concept of being present to
step over the threshold of one Century to another and from one Millennium to
another is for me a wonderfully exciting thing. I just feel fortunate to be
able to do that.” This does not sound to me like a person who expects the world
to come to an end on January 1st.
also said that in the 21st Century he expected, “progress, growth,
strengthening and a larger membership.” He also said, “If the members will live
the gospel, nearly everything else will take care of itself.” W.R. Baldwin
I was cleaning out some “stuff” in my old
desk and run across this. My first thought was, “has it really been 15 years
since all this was going on.” We had a little family newspaper at the time and
I wrote this (half in jest and half really questioning.) I can remember it like
it was yesterday. There were special editions of newspapers printed, special documentaries
on TV and of course a lot of people just talking about it.
It has been a wild ride for those last 15 or
16 years. Reading this stirred up a lot of memories for me and I thought it
might for others who read my blogs.
I love going on reminiscing & memory
Wallace R. Baldwin
30 Dec 2015