
Tuesday, July 4, 2017


                                               MY FAMILY

In the beginning there were only two,
That would be one of me and one of you.
She was raised as a cowgirl, on a ranch you see,
The other partner was a coal miner, and that would be me.

She introduced me to her Mom, and her lips I did read,
“Yikes a Coal Miners son,” Just what I don’t need.
Her Dad was a Rancher, from head to toe.
I’ll bet there is nothing about ranching, that he does not know.

I finished my “hitch” in the Air Force—four years was enough.
I have had enough of this “traveling the world” stuff.
We got married in a small town, but oh what a pity,
As we immediately moved up into “the big city.”

We had four children born over the years.
There was a boy and three girls, during fifteen years.
With us all together we totaled six people right then.
But when the children got married we grew quickly to ten.

Then the Grand Children started to join the throng,
And before we knew it nine of them came along.
Then four of the Grand Children found spouses to love.
I hope we all get blessings from Heaven above.

Finally the Great “Grands” started coming into our life.
Somewhere along the way I and my wife,
Settled back in our chairs just to enjoy life.
We had not thought about “Grands” in our life.

My wife passed away when the “Grands” started coming.
Of course she would think the boys are smart and the girls stunning.
She was still with us here when the first two arrived,
And she would see they all were never deprived.

As life went on we had two return to God.
Of course we all knew they were not under the cemetery sod.
Bailey our youngest “grand” stayed only two days here,
Steven, our oldest son, left two months after his Mother dear.

So we have one other “great”, ready to come and visit the Earth.
She comes in Sept., I hope she brings with her a lot of mirth.
I don’t even try to hear, or watch
 them anymore,
As they jump on the couch and push toys across the floor.

Where does it stop? Does the cycle stop going?
When we get more “Littles” do the old ones keep growing?
Are more spirits waiting patiently on high,
To come down here, and give Earth Life a try?

W.R. Baldwin 4 July 2017