Why did you go.
Why did you leave me all alone.
I know you did not want to go, as you had told me,
But it seems like the plan is for all of us.
It seems everyone on this old earth has to go,
And there are so many ways it can happen.
Some are accidents.
Some happen at work or play.
Some will happen tomorrow I hear.
It could even happen yet today, I fear.
It happens to family and friends I know.
Some of us go in misery, sorrow and rage,
And some of us go when we reach a certain age.
Do some go so quick?
Why do some go, not knowing they’r sick?
Why do some lie in bed and suffer and grieve
And why do some whisper I am ready to leave,
As someone sits by their bed and holds their hand,
As they slip off quietly into nether, nether, land.
We as humans
Talk about going or not
We don’t have a choice, to go or not.
If we do our best—the VERY BEST we can,
We will end up in Heaven with the son of Man.