
Thursday, December 21, 2017


Why did you go.
Why did you leave me all alone.
I know you did not want to go, as you had told me,
But it seems like the plan is for all of us.
It seems everyone on this old earth has to go,
And there are so many ways it can happen.
Some are accidents.
Some happen at work or play.
Some will happen tomorrow I hear.
It could even happen yet today, I fear.
It happens to family and friends I know.
Some of us go in misery, sorrow and rage,
And some of us go when we reach a certain age.
Do some go so quick?
Why do some go, not knowing they’r sick?
Why do some lie in bed and suffer and grieve
And why do some whisper I am ready to leave,
As someone sits by their bed and holds their hand,
As they slip off quietly into nether, nether, land.
We as humans
Talk about going or not
We don’t have a choice, to go or not.
If we do our best—the VERY BEST we can,
We will end up in Heaven with the son of Man. 

Wednesday, December 20, 2017


When I first wrote this "Blog" (picture above-there were five great grands) it was entitled "The Little's" or "The Great Grands". Then in Sept 2017 we had an additional "Great Grand" and now I call them my six-pack.
   Hi, Bella, welcome to the "Great's" AKA "THE SIX PACK".  (Picture Below).

Sept 2017

Monday, December 18, 2017

The World Almost Came To An End


   The world almost came to an end today. It started off as just a normal day. I awoke (much later than I used to.) I went through my early morning routine, which I have been doing in one form or another for 70 or 80 years. Yes-- it has changed a little, off and on over the years but not very much.
   Not to digress--- I did the just out of bed thing. (Make the bed) I had been taught by my Mother to never leave a bed unmade. She never explained why you shouldn't, but only that a death in the family or a world catastrophe should supersede  making your bed. 
   On to my morning,---get dressed---turn up the heat on the furnace---have some breakfast---load up my pockets like a pack mule with (wallet, keys, cellphone, house keys in case the garage door does not work, throat lozenges to take care of an old nemesis, 'dry mouth syndrome' and finally a clean pure white handkerchief from the dresser drawer. I opened the drawer and "WHAT?"--NO HANDKERCHIEF! That is impossible! I always have clean white Hankies in my drawer--ALWAYS!
   After my initial panic I get myself back together and remember I always keep a clean "hankie" in the coat I wear to Church on Sunday. I give a sigh of relief and head for the closet. I open the door and reach for the suit coat and almost feel relaxed , until I realize there is no "hankie" in the coat pocket. I actually start to relax as I reach for the other suit coat, but alas, tears almost start to fall from my eyes as I realize there is not a "saving hankie" in that coat either.  
   Woe is me.--- what can I do? I cannot go out without my "hankie", surely the world might come to an end? The apocalypse must be starting? Could I get to a store and buy a "hankie"before it is to late?---of course not, that would mean I would have to go outside without my handkerchief.
   Then a light blinked on in my head---my Gray Matter went into "action mode" and I seemed to hear a voice say---You have a suitcase full of White Clothes  in the back bedroom closet and you know there will be a "clean white handkerchief" there. I hurried to the bedroom and looked and behold there in the suit case was a clean handkerchief laying on top of the clothes. I grabbed it and put it in my pocked and guess what?----- 
   No end of the world today! I went and got in the car and quickly drove to the MacDonald Gourmet Breakfast shop for breakfast.
   I think I had quit sweating and was quite rational by the time I had finished eating. --- I had survived (an almost tragic) end of the world, and vowed I would NEVER let happen again, because of a lack of a "Hankie".

18 December 2017