Have you ever written a few words on a piece of paper and then went back and filled in your thoughts?
I did this one night, and remember I am 87
years old, so I have had more than a few experiences in many things, during my
life time and of course I have lost a few thoughts also.
I could have changed a few words in the
title and came up with a completely different blog, Such as FEAR, or LOVE.
And come to think of it “what is a Blog?” There
was no such word or action in my day that would sum-up the meaning of a Blog.
So let’s play a little: I penned True Friend
on my paper. What is a True Friend? Is it someone who picked you off of a
mailing list? When you picked this person were you younger, middle age or
older? Or perhaps all of the above? I leave that for you to answer, and see
what ends up written on your paper?
Of course I picked Joy as it is my Blog. And
yes you can try it and pick one for you.
Of course I picked Joy and I picked several
other words and emotions and it was a fun activity for an evening. I chose joy
because of my loving wife who was the person who brought so many joyful and
happy events into my life.
Donnie was really a joy to many people and I
was the one to have her around to cheer me up, and dispense her wisdom to me
when I went astray, If I ever did—I must have at least once Ha Ha.
Yes I am sure other people will come and go,
but I am sure no one will ever replace her. She was the epitome of joy in my
life, especially in our later years.
So I recall many joys and many Blogs about
US, Donnie and I. I list a few just to get my gray matter moving around in my
The joy of waking up in the morning, to the
sounds sights and smells in a beautiful green forest would be hard to beat as a
memorable Blog.
A blog about riding a sparkling, well
trained horse is almost a singular Blog in itself. A Pinto if possible please?
Rushing down a white
water river cannot be explained unless you have done it at least once yourself.
It might not be a JOY but it will definitely be something you will remember.
It most assuredly is pure joy to sit in an
LDS Temple and meditate with No Time Limit to disturb you.
Blog on Joy