For the most part I do
not think people (at least the average person) like change. and some people do
not like it at all and actually will not physically or mentally make change.
I was acquainted with one
man who was offered a promotion. His answer was “no I am not going to do that,
no matter what the consequences are.
Some changes are
subtle, almost no change at all, and yet some people feel even a small change
in our lives could almost be a catastrophe.
So would you agree some changes are HARD? My family and I lived in five different homes, 2 different states and each different move involved different circumstances that had to be considered at the time we moved. Each one was harder, more decisions to make and more people to come to agreement on what would be new changes for all.
Why do we not like change, or do we? I believe if you would get a family of parents, children and perhaps grandparents together and told them we were going to make a major change in our lives the majority the majority would have a life changing reason why we should not do it right now!
Wife: How can I live without Jen, She is the
best friend I have ever had and you know how hard it is for me to make friends?
And you know it is the first Church calling in my live that I have really
Son: I will run away if Thad does not live
near us!
Dau: I finally LOVE school. And you know how
hard it is for me to make friends? Can I stay here a live with
And you may even have
one that says, ”Yes, Yes, Oh Yes, maybe I will be happy if we move.
Of course there are other types of change besides employment and schooling. I also think that in most cases change makes us stronger, in the long term?
Most of us make some type of changes every day. And depending on our age a lot of changes are made for us. Mom usually decides what we eat---and WE EAT IT. At least it was that way in MY DAY. Dad decides if you can take the car out just for a ride? He may change his mind if you have a problem at school.
I recall I once made a change about how I looked—I decided to change how I ate, and how I used my spare time, so I would look better and have more energy. So you might say I made a conscious decision to change my life style, for the better. I however made an UNCONSCIOUS decision to lie on the couch and watch TV. To have a short nap most afternoon’s –and why jog in the dark? Were these both decisions?
So I guess there are many decisions made every day? I also guess we all have to make different decisions everyday which require a change GOOD, BAD or INDIFFERENT. And each of us has to pick and accomplish the change we want. AND SOMETIMES IT AIN’T EASY. (Yes this spelling mistake is MY decision?)