
Friday, December 14, 2018

Christmas Memories



His oldest daughter had just given him a hug, said “Good Night Dad” and headed for her car. She was the last to leave. We were just finishing up our traditional task of “putting up” the annual Christmas Tree.

He could not remember when the family had started putting up the tree on the 7th of December, which was his Birthday. He only remembered it had been many years ago.

As his daughter closed the door and got in her car he took a big breath and thought to himself, “thank heaven that is over for another year.”

But was he happy?

In just a few minutes he had picked up a few odds and ends, dropped them on the kitchen table and walked down the hall turning off each light, as he passed them. As he walked, the thought came again, am I tired or just excited?” I am not really tired, and I do not have to do anything tomorrow unless I want too.”

A little grin came on his face as he turned around and went back up the hall, turning the lights on as he passed them. A thought came to his mind about Christmas’s past. In fact many thoughts did and before he knew it he had told himself, I do not have to go to bed, I can get a snack, sit in my favorite chair and think and reminisce of past Christmas’s  that we have celebrated in our home.

He sat down and got his rocker going and squeaking, and just as he thought they would, memories started coming. He had turned on the tree lights again and just as he thought they would, the memories and a few sad times popped into his head.

The first thing on the tree that caught his eye was the two Santa ornaments. There were 12 in the package when we bought them back in the 1960’s,  but there were only two left and they were a treasure---If they only could talk? I think they were made out of a material called gilt. He snickered to himself again and thought how, did they survive this long with all the little hands  that had played with them over the years.

On the kitchen cupboard stood Mr. and Mrs. Claus who was crocheted by his Mother in the 1970’s. And yes they also are a family treasure.

He looked at the porcelain Nativity set and a lot of pictures, and thought maybe it was time to go to bed. I would have plenty of time to reminisce between now and Christmas.

He thought about his “Magnificent Seven” his pet name for his seven Great Grand Children. And just an hour ago his old house was rumbling with children’s noises, just as it has in the past. The next thought was,” how could seven little people make THAT MUCH noise?” And the interesting thing was they could pass it on from one generation to the next.

He chuckled again as he recalled the years past when Santa came to our home on Christmas and brought everyone a present. To receive your gift each person had to sit on Santa’s lap and report that they had been good! One year when he sat on Santa’s lap and Santa asked if he had been good, all the children shouted. NO, but as Santa reached for a lump of coal for Grandpa’s  gift his oldest Grandchild yelled He is good, he is always good. And I think she had a tear drop or two fall, as she grabbed the lump of coal and hid it in the basement.   

Oh how many memories and how many good times were held in their home throughout the years and now in his old age they are only memories.
After sitting in his favorite chair and reminisced about his favorite time of year, he slowly got up and walked down the hall----Not with memories of sugar plums dancing in his head---but wishing that his wife (who was the spark-plug of the family) could have been here to celebrate with us.—But then who knows ----PERHAPS SHE WAS?        
WRB 14 Dec 2018

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