I think it is very obvious
that everyone has likes and dislikes and there is no way that anyone wants to
list all of their likes and dislikes. I did want to get into this a little so
as I sit one night in a motel room in Idaho Falls, Idaho, many years ago I
brainstormed this subject for a couple of hours and this is what I ended up
I LIKE the smell of Christmas
trees---The first fall snow on mountain peaks---old barns---an eagle soaring in
a blue sky---the smell of new cowboy boots---Yellowstone Park---and riding a
snowmobile on untracked snow.
I DISLIKE rude, sullen
teenagers---wind---radio and TV commercials---flat tires---fog---fishing
alone---a ballpoint pen that will not write---and the smell at the zoo.
I LIKE western music---night
rodeos---good books---classical music---the smell of a new car--- and Christmas
morning with children.
I DISLIKE hard rock
music---the smell of burned hair---mud---slick roads---clothes that fit to
tight---strange towns---and drivers that tailgate.
I LIKE smiling happy
teenagers---Spring---birds singing in the mornings---fruit trees in
blossom---roses ---Australian accents---Fall---and the full moon reflecting on
winter snow.
I DISLIKE spiders---the phone
ringing late at night---traffic jams---dirty windows---breaking in new
boots---being sick---and left lane freeway drivers.
I LIKE the sight of a
beautiful horse---the gentle rain on the roof---comfortable old shoes---old
movies---soothing music---sunsets over Great Salt Lake---and to sit on front of
a warm fireplace in Winter.
I DISLIKE crowded
campgrounds---cloudy days---mini-skirts on older women---dull
pencils---televisions in the kitchen---empty ice trays---and continued next
week television shows.
I LIKE holding my grand
children---campfires---being in the Temple---a field of mountain flowers--- a
rushing mountain stream---a warm day in winter---new babies---and the sight of
a pristine mountain meadow.
I DISLIKE a fireplace that
smokes---people who whisper in the
Temple---gossip---funerals---hospitals—cigarette smoke---dirty snow---and
“holier than thou people.”
I LIKE the sight of animals
in the wild---the sounds of waves breaking on the shore---a big order--- the
smell of homemade bread---the smell of lilacs in bloom---football
games---fishing with a friend--- and traveling with my wife.
I DISLIKE being alone in a
motel room---dead animals on the highway---icy sidewalks---dirty clothing on
the floor---drawers hanging open---poor losers---and people who take games too
I LIKE a kind word from the Boss---soft
deep new carpet---pepperoni---the beginning of a new year--- the smell of new
sawdust---other people’s dogs--- and a well prepared Church lesson.
I DISLIKE being interviewed
by ANYONE---soggy newspapers---shirts missing buttons---unmade beds---sweet
pickles---and zippers that don’t zip or unzip.
I LIKE waking up feeling
good---the smell of the soap factory---vacations---the smell of spice after
shave---to snuggle my wife---women’s perfume---black jelly beans---crisp
apples---and the smells in the house at Thanksgiving time.
I DISLIKE smelly ashtrays in
a restaurant---painting anything---women smoking---wilted green salad---
complaining people---bus fumes at intersections--- and political promises.
I LIKE my daughters---my
son---my grandchildren---my son-in laws---my whole family---and especially my
loving wife Donnie who has put up with my likes and dislikes for all these
years. And for her loving, giving, and forgiving personality.
As I said in the beginning
everyone has his or her likes and dislikes. I imagine if some psychologist got
hold of this he could analyze it and come to some conclusion as to what makes
me tick. Or better still maybe why I do not tick?
In reading it over before I
typed it I feel that I am about like the majority of other people I know in my
likes and dislikes, and that is not to strange, because I have said for years
that we as a people seem to attract and associate with people with similar
interests. Enough of LIKES & DISLIKES.
Written 1988 in Idaho Falls,
By: W.R. Baldwin
Although this was written a long time ago I just run onto it a few days ago as I was cleaning out some old desk drawers. In reading it I decided not a lot has changed in all those years--except of course the things I cannot do anymore because all of my parts do not function as well as they used to. ----------But it is still pretty much how I think so here it is and maybe it will bring back some memories to some of you.
Although this was written a long time ago I just run onto it a few days ago as I was cleaning out some old desk drawers. In reading it I decided not a lot has changed in all those years--except of course the things I cannot do anymore because all of my parts do not function as well as they used to. ----------But it is still pretty much how I think so here it is and maybe it will bring back some memories to some of you.