
Sunday, September 15, 2019


                               THE GREENHORN
   Sometime a while back (actually a long time back) I was day dreaming about some experiences I have had with horses.
   The first thought or word that came to my mind was (Greenhorn.). Now I am pretty sure that everyone who hears the word also forms a different image in their mind,
   Of course there were the Greenhorns in “Bonanza” on TV several years ago. Also the word Greenhorn is often used to describe a real live person who is trying to accomplish something that he or she has not been trained to do.
   The people and horses I write about were real People and Real horses and most of the things did really happened perhaps with a little embellishment. These things will not show up on my list in the order they happened, but rather in the order I recall them.
   Maybe I also should let everyone know that my teacher, instructor or whatever you want to call him was a real live cattle rancher, cowboy, farmer or whatever you want to call him. It did take me a while to realize that, but eventually I did.
                   HERE WE GO FOR A WILD RIDE
   I had rode a house around the corral, in the street and a little way from the house in the past but today we were going to move the cattle herd from the City Farm to a holding pasture a short way up the canyon. And yes I was all ready (I thought).
   I got all ready and checked out before we got the horses in the trailer. As I got in the truck the “Boss” said, ’you got new Levis Huh? I kind of laughed and said yes I did. I did not have anything but old junky looking ones. He grinned and said, “they would have been better today.” You got new boots also it looks like, and a Brand New BASEBALL hat?
   One of the younger son’s kind if smirked and said, “Come on
Dad let’s get going.”
   Well about five hours in the “sun” my cheeks and ears were scarlet red, my fancy new Levis, that had ever never been worn before had worn the skin off every place they had touched my body and that was a lot of places you do not think about!
   I am sure the whispers and giggles from the Boy’s were all directed right at me.
   During the lunch break one of the boys explained to me that the reason I got to ride “Dapple” was because she was the softest horse of all of them.
   Well I survived the first day and finally after a few years I think I may have been promoted to “First Class Greenhorn.”
   Over the years I got to where I could survive on a “ride” as they were called, when there was work to be done.  
*I think ALL horses hold their breath when you put their saddle cinch on?
*When the boys tell you that they will toss the hay up on the wagon and you can do the easy part of arranging it on the wagon—Not true, they immediately start looking for a snake to
toss up with the hay.
*Branding really stinks, more ways than one. My daughters went one time and ONE TIME & ONE TIME EVER!!
*My wife and I were told we could go to the pasture to ride horses for the day. We left early in the morning so we could have a good days ride. We finally gave up and went home because we could not catch the horses.
*The next day “the Real Rancher” went with us. When we got to the pasture he took out a burlap sack from the back of the truck. It was half-full of oats, he shook it-and yelled as loud as he could and the horses came right to him. As they stuck their muzzle into the sack he slipped a lead rope on them and they were all his!  
*Of course most of the things in this Blog happened many years ago and things were different then. A lot of people rode their horse to the post office, the, drug store and even to get their hair cut. One thing I learned the hard way was interesting. I went to the barber shop, and like a lot of people did in those days, I just tied the horse to a rail. While I was in getting my trim, my horse left a little present on the sidewalk. I don’t know if I was getting harassed or if it was an unwritten rule, but after a couple of the guys got a good laugh, one of the guys pointed to an old beat up truck and said,” That old trucks got a scoop shovel in the back if you want to use it?”
*I learned to never “bridle-tie” a wise old Mare. She will just turn her head (so she does not step on the reins) and take off for home –without you.
*I never could tell if one cow was missing—they all looked alike to me.
*And finally an episode I probably never forget. We were gathering cows, down the river, and we run onto a Heifer that was having a hard time giving birth to a calf. What do you do?
Well you wait and watch for a while until it comes to the point, where she obviously needs help. You get off the horse and play OB-GYN until you have delivered the calf. Then you hope that all will turn out OK for the calf and the Heifer. You have just helped a calf be born, that weighed in about 75-80 pounds, and, you walk to the river to wash and clean up and go on like it was just another normal day?
   I think I gradually graduated from a “Greenhorn to a under graduate Ranch Trainee.” However that may not be true because in all the years we rode in the mountains, the river and deserts one of my trainers seemed to always teach me something new.

Monday, September 9, 2019


Yes, his name is BALDWIN
And his head is bald the same.
They say when he was younger                      
That his hair looked like a Mane?

He was born in a home in a Coal Camp
That was tucked among the hills.
To get there in the Winter Time
Caused some real, real thrills.

Men came from many nations I hear,
And pulled coal from the mines with fear.
Amongst the wild animals
The Elk, cougars, Bears and Deer.

This little town, like many back then  
Provided medical care for all its women and men
We had a store, a school and an entertainment hall.
And several courts, to play all kinds of ball.

We all had guns in those days of yore
Sometimes in a closet and some behind a door.
Sometimes for plinking at cans and such
Sometimes food for the table, but usually not much.

The world was in turmoil, way back then
Imagine Armageddon, if you can!
The times and actions, brought on deprivation,
And Baldwin joined in protecting our great Nation.

The War we had that was to end all wars
Was WW II and it left many scars!
Some dreamed of a new life with new toys and cars
And some came home with changed attitudes and scars.

Some became politicians, with thoughts they thought profound,
And some were poor and slept on the ground.
The majority were happy, or so it seems,
As they went out in the world, chasing new dreams.

Some are now 70, 80 or 90 I hear.
And set on the porch, with dreams and no fear.
Most who fought in the war to end all wars
Wonder how can I get to MacDonald’s without my old car?

W.R.Baldwin 8 September 2019 

Wednesday, September 4, 2019


 The title of this blog may sound like something weird, but the only thing weird about it is the Author. I have been a watcher of weird things and people for a long time. And they seem to grow as I get older. Now that I am home alone I have become a full blown people watcher. I also have found a favorite new place for my hobby.

Murray City Park has always had an attraction for me and now that I am alone I spend a lot of prime time watching people and things there.

I usually never get to know a persons name and most of the time we might say only a few words to each other, or only give each other a People Watcher Wave.   

As I sat here today I thought of an exception. While on one of my visits, while sitting on my favorite bench, I was approached by a young boy who asked if I came to the Park very often? I answered that I did and that I had even seen him there a few times with his Mom. He corrected me, that it must have been his Sister because his Mom hardly went any place. He told me his name was Thad and I told him mine was Jim.

Then he asked me if I had seem a black and white dog, because he lost his yesterday. He said he took him off the leash to put him in the truck and he run away. I saw him running real fast on the other side if the creek, until I could not see him anymore.

I was sad all the way home because my sister would not help me look for him and we finally had to go home.

Thad told Jim that his Mom was named Angie and that she was over by the truck waiting while I looked for Pepper, who was my dog.

Jim and Thad waved to Angie as she had started to walk toward us. We all introduced ourselves and Angie said they needed to get on their way home.

Thad was not to happy about leaving, and made some comment about it not even being long enough yet for their prayers to work, and no one would miss them because no one ever came to their house anyway.

Then as they say, Out of the Blue Sky Jim told them maybe he could help because he knew a man who worked at the city with the stray animals, and he would call and see if he had been picked up.

After a couple of phone calls from Jim of course they found Pepper, and after a few more calls they had Pepper in the car and were ready to head for home.

As Angie was getting in the car Thad hollered at Jim,"could you come and visit with us and Pepper some time ?"  

Well do you think those two or three Murray Park People Peeper's keep in contact?" They probably did --but that may be for another Blog?

4 August 2019


 His oldest daughter had just given him a hug, said “Good Night Dad” and headed for her car. She was the last to leave. We were just finishing up our traditional task of “putting up” the annual Christmas Tree.
He could not remember when the family had started putting up the tree on the 7th of December, which was his Birthday. He only remembered it had been many years ago.
As his daughter closed the door and got in her car he took a big breath and thought to himself, “thank heaven that is over for another year.”
But was he happy?
In just a few minutes he had picked up a few odds and ends, dropped them on the kitchen table and walked down the hall turning off each light, as he passed them. As he walked, the thought came again, am I tired or just excited?” I am not really tired, and I do not have to do anything tomorrow unless I want too.”
A little grin came on his face as he turned around and went back up the hall, turning the lights on as he passed them. A thought came to his mind about Christmas’s past. In fact many thoughts did and before he knew it he had told himself, I do not have to go to bed, I can get a snack, sit in my favorite chair and think and reminisce of past Christmas’s  that we have celebrated in our home.
He sat down and got his rocker going and squeaking, and just as he thought they would, memories started coming. He had turned on the tree lights again and just as he thought they would, the memories and a few sad times popped into his head.
The first thing on the tree that caught his eye was the two Santa ornaments. There were 12 in the package when we bought them back in the 1960’s,  but there were only two left and they were a treasure---If they only could talk? I think they were made out of a material called gilt. He snickered to himself again and thought how, did they survive this long with all the little hands  that had played with them over the years.
On the kitchen cupboard stood Mr. and Mrs. Claus who was crocheted by his Mother in the 1970’s. And yes they also are a family treasure.
He looked at the porcelain Nativity set and a lot of pictures, and thought maybe it was time to go to bed. I would have plenty of time to reminisce between now and Christmas.
He thought about his “Magnificent Seven” his pet name for his seven Great Grand Children. And just an hour ago his old house was rumbling with children’s noises, just as it has in the past. The next thought was,” how could seven little people make THAT MUCH noise?” And the interesting thing was they could pass it on from one generation to the next.
He chuckled again as he recalled the years past when Santa came to our home on Christmas and brought everyone a present. To receive your gift each person had to sit on Santa’s lap and report that they had been good! One year when he sat on Santa’s lap and Santa asked if he had been good, all the children shouted. NO, but as Santa reached for a lump of coal for Grandpa’s  gift his oldest Grandchild yelled He is good, he is always good. And I think she had a tear drop or two fall, as she grabbed the lump of coal and hid it in the basement.   
Oh how many memories and how many good times were held in their home throughout the years and now in his old age they are only memories.
After sitting in his favorite chair and reminisced about his favorite time of year, he slowly got up and walked down the hall----Not with memories of sugar plums dancing in his head---but wishing that his wife (who was the spark-plug of the family) could have been here to celebrate with us.—But then who knows ----PERHAPS SHE WAS?   MEMORIES