
Monday, September 9, 2019


Yes, his name is BALDWIN
And his head is bald the same.
They say when he was younger                      
That his hair looked like a Mane?

He was born in a home in a Coal Camp
That was tucked among the hills.
To get there in the Winter Time
Caused some real, real thrills.

Men came from many nations I hear,
And pulled coal from the mines with fear.
Amongst the wild animals
The Elk, cougars, Bears and Deer.

This little town, like many back then  
Provided medical care for all its women and men
We had a store, a school and an entertainment hall.
And several courts, to play all kinds of ball.

We all had guns in those days of yore
Sometimes in a closet and some behind a door.
Sometimes for plinking at cans and such
Sometimes food for the table, but usually not much.

The world was in turmoil, way back then
Imagine Armageddon, if you can!
The times and actions, brought on deprivation,
And Baldwin joined in protecting our great Nation.

The War we had that was to end all wars
Was WW II and it left many scars!
Some dreamed of a new life with new toys and cars
And some came home with changed attitudes and scars.

Some became politicians, with thoughts they thought profound,
And some were poor and slept on the ground.
The majority were happy, or so it seems,
As they went out in the world, chasing new dreams.

Some are now 70, 80 or 90 I hear.
And set on the porch, with dreams and no fear.
Most who fought in the war to end all wars
Wonder how can I get to MacDonald’s without my old car?

W.R.Baldwin 8 September 2019 

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