
Thursday, May 8, 2014




I am sitting here thinking about MOTHERS and their special Day and as they come to mind I put them here to add to my BLOG. They brought back some fun memories to me—Perhaps- they will to you also. They are not all original and where I could remember I indicated where they come from—the rest were just memories that came to mind---

A Scoutmaster after watching several new scouts in their attempt at outdoor cooking, asked the question, “How are you guys coming along and have any of you forgotten any essential equipment?” “Yes I guess I have” one little guy answered. “Oh what might that be”, asked the Scoutmaster? “MY MOTHER.” He answered.

Mothers Day has been described in many ways, such as, A day set aside to pay tribute to someone that we take for granted the rest of the year.-------or one day that we take over and do the work that Mom does every day all year long.------or one day set aside to thank Mothers for the devotion that they continually show the members of their family.

We sometimes forget that there are Mothers all over the world. There are Mothers in China, England, Japan, Canada and the USA. Also some of our daughters are Mothers and of course all Mothers are someone’s daughters. I don’t know how many countries in the World celebrate Mothers day, but in this country it is celebrated by more people than any other holiday, except Christmas. If it is not celebrated in all countries it certainly should be.

I grew up in a small town and if any of you have had that experience it is a real eye opener. In a small town you do not have just one Mother. You have several Mothers and they all keep an eye on you and have no objections to taking you by the ear and directing you home if you have done something they did not approve of.

I recall one experience when I was young and had done something I should not have I was approached by my “Aunt Lucille” (Not really an Aunt at all) who told me we should perhaps go home and tell my Mom what had happened. I told her, when we got there, I was going to tell my Mom she was picking on me and I will never forget her answer, “Oh I am sure she will believe you?” I was not to happy having so many Moms’ looking after me when I was young but now that I am older I see it was a good thing.

I would like to approach the subject of honoring our Mothers by reminding us of the commandment “Honor thy Father and thy Mother”, which thundered on Sinai centuries ago. It is just as vibrant today as it was when the Lord declared it to Moses. That commandment will live forever, It will not be revoked!

What does it mean to honor our Mothers? What obligations are imposed by the commandment on Sinai? How about some suggestions for a typical family and not only for Mothers Day but for every day.

FATHER---------------Are you as faithful in providing for YOUR MOTHERS needs as she was in providing for you? How long has it been since you visited your Mother, or called her or wrote her a long loving letter. Do you think any of those actions would affect her? Also Father don’t forget your wife’s mother. Remember she gave you the greatest gift she had to give-----HER DAUGHTER!

MOTHER--------------Don’t forget your Mother. The attention you give to your Mothers temporal & spiritual needs mean much more to her than do these benefits coming from any other person on earth. If time has slowed Mom up, or bent her form; do not forget that you may have figured in mightily in those changes. One of my Mom’s comments was that most of her gray hair came one by one, with MY HELP. Your Mother loved you---set up nights-----prayed----wept and worried----hoped and dreamed for you. Your Mom gets her reward in you and your actions.

THE SON--------Son, if occasionally, you discover that you know more than your Mom does, or you think you do, thank her for the great opportunity she gave you to learn. Have respect for your home, ---It is the greatest school you will ever attend and it has been blessed with the greatest teacher you will ever know. ---Your Mom. She would do anything or give anything she could to make you happy.

THE DAUGHTER----- If you could know your Mom’s thoughts. -----Hear her prayers, ----feel her anxiety; you would never say things like “it is none of your business”. Remember you are a part of her. If you do wrong she is offended. ----If you are hurt she is hurt. ---If you are happy she is happy. I think you could say you are your Mothers temple. She expects you to be clean and reverent and to show love to others. She prays every day for YOU. It may take you and the Lord together to answer all her prayers about you, but NEVER forget how much she loves you.

I am sure we can all recount many stories and experiences of mothers but let me recall a couple I am aware of--------------------

Put yourself in the shoes of the mother, who at the expense of clean windows and polished floors at home, stood in the hallway of a school waiting to retrieve the frozen salmon she had rushed from the deep freeze to the school that afternoon (After a frantic call from little Ernie at school) because he did not have anything for show and tell. She could not make an accurate recording of her accomplishments that day because she did not witness the miracle she wrought. Ernie was a child with little confidence, bashful and insecure among his classmates, but that day, as he stood in front of the class, all eyes were on him, for he held in both arms a thirty six inch FROZEN salmon. (Thanks to Mom). His classmates were almost hypnotized when he told them how he and his Dad had caught this great fish in the Columbia River. From that day on it was different for Ernie. The students thought that if he could catch a fish like that he could do anything. So he became part of the group. Everyone wanted to sit by him. Instead of being last he was chosen among the first. A miracle had taken place all because Mom had let her floors go unpolished and her windows unwashed. She probably must have wondered that afternoon if she had really accomplished much that day.

Then I recall the Mother in the Salt Lake area that got a frantic phone call from school and the daughter said, almost in a frenzy, “Mom I forgot my lunch money and I am starving. Can you bring it to me?” Well of course Mom could bring it to her. Isn’t that what Mom’s are all about? ---- and then the final comment—By the way Mom I am in Ogden at the High School--- see you in a few and thanks!!!

It seems Mothers and young children always seem to go together. Children admire their mothers and Mothers have “brag-books” for their children’s pictures. Children love to come home and run in the door and yell, “I’m home mom” and get the response. O.K. dear, I am here in the kitchen.”

Here is a poem that has this as its theme-------------

     Sometimes when I get home from school
     And Mother isn’t there,
     And though I know she’ll be back soon
     And I don’t really care,
     Still all the furniture looks queer,
     The house seems hushed and sad:
     And then I hear her coming in,
     And, oh boy, am I glad!
              Esther Doolittle

It seems another quirk of nature is that the younger the child the more they want to help Mom with her chores. (i.e. the two years old who wants to help with the dishes. The three year old who wants to help make a cake.) It seems that to help Mom out is quite popular with young children. Sometimes the help causes more work for Mom in the long run but the children are usually sincere. It seems however they always want to do a job that is just a little bit to difficult for them to do alone and not the things that they can easily do. So of course at that point the “great teacher” the Mom takes over her task as Mom and teacher.

I am sure most of you have heard the poem Which Loved Best?

I love you Mother, said little John;
Then, forgetting his work his cap went on,
And he was off to the garden swing,
Leaving his mother the wood to bring.

I love you Mother, said rosy Nell;
I love you better than tongue can tell;
Then she teased and pouted full half the day,
Till her Mother rejoiced when she went out to play.

I love you Mother said little Fan;
Today I’ll help you all I can;
How glad I am the school doesn’t keep!
So she rocked the baby till it fell asleep.

Then stepping softly, she took the broom,
And swept the floor, and dusted the room;
Busy and happy all day was she,
Helpful and cheerful as a child could be,

I love you Mother, again they said—
Three young children going to bed;
How do you think the Mother guessed?
Which of them really loved her the best?
          Joy Allison

Several years ago a newspaper did an article by asking several Mothers “What does Mother’s Day mean to you.

I know in our family my Mother loved to just have the family visit and sit around and reminisce. While she was still with us that was still important to my wife, who was also a mother and to my daughters who are also mothers. We love to get together and talk about the growing up years and perhaps some of the things our Mothers did or did not teach us?

I guess one of the best presents we can give our Mothers is a simple “Thank You Mom?”

Some thoughts I run into while reminiscing ---------------(some I have embellished)

Try praising your Mom, even if it does frighten her at first.---- Billy Sunday

There is nothing upon this earth that can be compared to a faithful Mother---
                                  Daniel Webster

A Mother who is old at 40 can turn into a grandmother who is young at 60----

Old age is not uncomfortable if a Mother has grandchildren to share it with her—

The American West would still be an unfenced wilderness if the pioneers had left the mothers at home------------Gray

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