
Sunday, July 12, 2015

Slang Words 1940-50

 SLANG WORDS 1940-1950                                                                                    I was having a conversation with a grandson recently and we got to talking about some of the words they use on the telephone and texting and how frustrating it was to an OLD GUY like me. Especially since some of them were not words at all, but just a bunch of letters. You know the ones-LOL, ROLF, BRB & BTW? Well I guess there are a lot of them but those four are the only ones I know.
Later on I got to thinking about it and when we were teen’s in the 40’ and 50’s we also had some “teen talk” so I sat and listed the ones I could remember. I got a kick out of some as they come to mind. Here is the list I came up with and I am sure a lot of you out the will remember most of them. By the way the picture is of three Hiawatha guys in the 1940- 1950 era-Jerry Allred, Wally Baldwin & Don Reaveley, .

Whats Cookin--—What are you doing or where are you going.
Ace--- Instead of using a guy’s name you just said “OK Ace”
Reek--- You smell funny.
Pegged Pants---- Pants you had tapered so at the ankle they would just barely go in.
Get on the stick.----- Hurry up.
Lay rubber--- Squeal Tires
Kook--- A different person
Hit the sack----Go to bed
Go Ape---Get excited or lose control
That’s Lame---Stupid comment
Up the creek--- In a bad situation
Suicide Knob---Knob on a steering wheel. Jerry Allred and I ordered a lot of them.
Let’s Split---Leave a place
He bought the farm--- He died
BABE--- A girl
DANG-IT---- A Mormon swear word
Flip Out or Freak Out---Loose control of your emotions
Hot Shot----Someone who think they are more important than others
Spiffy--- Neat dressing person
Big Wheel--- Same as Hot-Shot
Church Key--- A bottle or can opener.
Dragging Main---Driving back & forth on the same street for hours.
Get Crackin---- Get Moving or Hurry up.
OH Scrud-----When something goes wrong.

          I notice some of these have passed the test of time and they are still being used today. Imagine that?


12 July 2015

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