
Wednesday, November 6, 2013


                                                   THE SCRAPBOOKING QUEEN
She sat at her table in her rollaway chair,
Just sticking in pictures with nary a care.

The scissors in one hand were snipping away.
I thought to myself, "is this work or just play?"

She had a pencil behind one ear, a pen on the other,
And pictures all around of mom, sister and brother.

The stickers were sticking, but WHY on the floor?
She said, "I will pick them up later","I told you before!"

The books were piled high on bench, chair and table
The TV was blaring a JAZZ game over the cable.

These albums must be finished I heard her explain
But with this old stiff finger it sure is a pain.

There were sheet protectors, glue sticks and paper galore.
A "Hopper Cropper" of stuff stood outside the door.

The "Cropper" runneth over with paper, ALL KINDS.
I thought to myself "has the woman lost her mind?"

Just when I thought I would escape for a while
She turned and gave me that big 'come here' smile.

See what I've done she said with a grin
See all the pictures and stickers that I have put in.

She has been sitting at that table for many weeks now,
For every spare minute, that time would allow.

The pictures that were hidden in drawers and in trunks
Before placed in the books, may have been just so much junk.

Were now precious collections to save and keep fast.
To remind her of her children and things of the past.

We should go to bed now, he told her once more.
And she said, "go ahead" I just need one hour more?

He laughed as he left her sitting at the table
She would follow him to bed, if to stand she was able?

That's a day in the life of the "Scrap Booking Queen"
As Family History, she keeps trying to glean.

Written in April 2004 by W.R. Baldwin as he watched his wife Donnie at her craft table.

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